Ghost Pretzels


Ghost pretzels

Alright, these little guys were super easy to make, look adorable, and taste delish. Triple whammy.

I made these and stuck them in clear cellophane treat bags, tied them up, and put them in my BOO baskets for my friends to enjoy. They would be super cute for any Halloween parties you have coming up, or even a little snack idea for the little ones.

Here’s what you’re going to need:


Here’s what you’re going to do:

  1. Start melting those candy melts! I have this chocolate melting pot from Wilton, but there are instructions on the back of the candy melts bag explaining how to melt them if you don’t have one of those. Totally not required to have this! If possible, you want to melt these in a container that is tall and skinny, opposed to just a standard cereal bowl, because you’ll want to be able to dip your pretzel into the candy pretty far.

  2. Once your candies are fully melted, take one pretzel rod at a time, and start dipping. Emphasis on dipping, because if you start pulling/dragging/stirring your pretzel in the melted candy, you’re going to end up like me, breaking 9 pretzels in 10 minutes. Good luck.

  3. Dip your pretzel as far down as you want, I probably did about 3-4” to really get that “ghost” look on my pretzel

  4. Set your dipped pretzel onto a flat surface or cooling rack to let cool down and harden just a bit. But don’t let it fully dry!

  5. Attach two candy eyeballs to the top of your ghost, while the candy is still malleable, but not totally dripping. you don’t want your eyeballs to slide around once you attach them

  6. Do the same thing with your mini chocolate chip, using it as the mouth for the ghost

  7. Let dry and enjoy!

Again, I wrapped these little ghosts up and gave them out as treats, but of course you could just enjoy them yourself as soon as they’re all dry!

If you make these, take pictures, post them and tag me on Instagram @tiannafriend!! I can’t wait to see them!